We wish to express our profound gratitude to Almighty God who has been with us in successfully establishing Grand-Plus College of Health Sciences and Technology, Ilorin for the benefit of mankind. We are very grateful to our philanthropist and founder, Prince Ademola Abidoye for his immense moral support. Our gratitude knows no bounds to Kwara State Ministry of Education and Kwara State Ministry of Health for recommending this institution for the registration at the Corporate Affairs Commission and also the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).
Healthcare professions are dynamic; therefore this COLLEGE is established to groom students in various healthcare disciplines as middle level manpower in line with current global concepts and information technology. The broad philosophy of this school is: 1. To provide an in-depth scientific and professional background for the production of exceptional graduates who would be capable of working in any healthcare services including Primary Health Care Centers in Nigeria and beyond. 2. To produce graduates with sufficient ability to work harmoniously in the healthcare team. 3. Our philosophy is anchored on the harmonious development of the intellectual, physical, and social potentials of medical students.
THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM There are three tiers of health care systems in Nigeria - The Primary health care, Secondary health care i.e. the General or district hospital mostly under the supervision of the state government, and the Tertiary health care, which is the most sophisticated and costly for government and patients. The tertiary health services deal with the most complex cases referred from secondary health care system to teaching and specialist hospitals and is supervised by the Federal Ministry of Health. The challenge at the primary level is to establish a health care system that will affect the lives of every citizen and tackle the conditions that causes the highest mortality and morbidity. The system must be organized from the grassroots and woven into the fabric of the community through the process of community participation. It must integrate preventive, promote, and curative services using the type of technology the community will accept at the level, it can afford to maintain and with an efficient and effective system of supervision and referral. The most important principle of PHC, as defined at Alma-Ata in 1978, is community participation. It coincides with the present administration's thrust to mobilize the nation for social justice, self-reliance and economic reconstruction. In the spirit of social justice and equity, the Federal government is determined to set in motion the process that will ensure that every Nigerian obtain the health services he or she needs, when and where it is needed at a cost the community can afford. It is also determined to ensure that the people participate fully in the provisions of services, this means that at the village or district level the community must be involved in planning, implementation, and managing the system, which must be under its control. Another important principle is that of self-reliance, because the health problems of community cannot be solved once owing to the lack of financial, human materials, or other resources. Therefore, there is a need to go at a pace that takes their condition into account, as long as there is a demonstrable reduction in morbidity and an improvement in the quality of life. Underlying the development in the health care delivery system in the past 20 years is the realization that there is no standard method of designing and delivering health services. For example, it is now widely accepted that a community need not wait until a doctor is available before services can be delivered. Many communities throughout the world are being served by categories of health manpower down to the level of village health worker with excellent community acceptance and satisfaction and a measurable impact on the diseases that most afflict them. Closely linked with self-reliance is the principle of appropriate technology. Whatever tasks that are carried out to deliver the services must be of a kind that can be executed effectively. For example to install an X-ray machine or dental chair in a village where there is no electricity or pipe water; let alone radiographers or dental technicians; urging mothers to use sachets of oral rehydration salts for preventing dehydration in children when supplies are erratic, will only create culture of dependence which may cost lives. Self-reliance and appropriate technology will serve better by teaching with whatever is available, in their homes. In 1978, a new breed of PHC worker was introduced to man the PHC services. These workers were Community Health Officers, Supervisors, Assistants and Aides, In 1987, the names "Assistant" and "Aides" were changed to Community Health Extension Workers because these personnel were important members of the PHC team, who were intended to be based in the community (80 percent of the time), particularly, in the village where they will motivate members of the community to action in the provision of health care services. They will thus be the architects of community participation, a prerequisite for transforming a community from its traditional past to the age of science. While diagnosing and treating common conditions with simple measures, identifying pregnant women and that they deliver safely or identifying malnourished children and providing health education in the community.
To Develop, Train and Nurture World Class Professionals, to bring to live the ingenuity in our students; and to provide the basis for future healthcare professionals
We desire to be a highly competitive private College of Health Technology that will become the number one choice for every knowledge seeker in health in the whole of Nigeria.
Our vision reflects our values: integrity, service, excellence and teamwork.
It is the desire of the College to offer training programmes in Health Science and Technology through appropriate instruction and exposure of our students to standard teaching-learning condition, in order to produce qualified professionals who will render quality services in line with global health concept for the benefit of the people.
Our mission is to provide a very sound professional training for health workers to-be.
Our overall goal is to position Grand-Plus College of Health Technology to become the leading College of health brand in the educational and private higher school industry in Nigeria and also to be amongst the top 30 Colleges of Health in Nigeria within the first 10 years of operations.
The College values:
Inspired learning
Broadening perspectives pursuing excellence
Responding to community needs
Achieving goals
Transforming lives
Celebrating achievement.